Friday 14 October 2016

BSE Prior NCD Approval - Procedure for obtaining online In-Principle Approval of Private Placement Issue of Debt (PPDI) - NCDs (BSE)

Application for obtaining In-Principle Approval of Private Placement Issue of Debt (PPDI) from Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

Download Link: PPDI - BSE  

We have enumerated below the procedure and document required for obtaining In-Principle approval of Private Placement Issue of Deb (PPDI) from BSE for listing of Non-Convertible Debentures in terms of SEBI (Issue and listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008 as amended from time to time:

Documents / Information   Required 
1.    Covering Letter to apply for BSE In-principle Approval

2.    Copy of the Disclosures as required by Regulations 21, as per the format prescribed in schedule ' I ' of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008 & Amendment 2012
Information Memorandum – Draft copy
3.    Credit rating certificate of the proposed issue

4.    Confirmation/consent letters from the Debenture Trustee w.r.t. their consent to act as Debenture Trustee for the proposed issue.

5.    MOA & AOA of the Company
Required only in case of the issuer seeking listing of its Debt instruments for the first time.
6.    Audited Financials

In-Principle Application Procedure - Online 

    First Screen: Use your Login & Password, and then press "Login" button

2. Go to Tab: Listing Module, below screen will appear:

Second Screen: 

3. From above Screen, Select  (a) Issue Type: PPDI and (b) Sub-Process: Prior. 
Then press "Submit" Button

4. After Submitting the above form, the below screen will appear. This screen will show the Issue Type, Case No. of 5  (Five) Numeric  number and Sub Process. You have to quote this Case number for all communication with BSE for the proposed issue.

Issue Type:PPDI Case No.XXXXX Sub Process:Prior


Fill all the requisite data under “ISSUE DETAILS”
Nature of Securities, face value & Issue Size
XXX  Rated, Secured, Listed, Redeemable, Transferable,  Non-Convertible Debentures of Face value of Rs. XXXXX  (Rupees __________only) each aggregating upto Rs. XX,XXX,XXX (Rupees ________Only) on a private placement basis
Credit Rating
Fill Credit rating of the proposed issue
Debenture Trustee
Fill name of Debenture Trustee

6. After filling up "Issue Details", upload the requisite docs and finally press “Submit” button for submitting the In-principle application to BSE. This screen also provide the option to save document before finally submitting it to BSE. 

BSE will check the uploaded documents and issue the In-principle letter to issuer. If all the documents are in order, BSE issue In-principle letter in atleast 1 day (as per our experience with BSE)

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